October 20, 2016

Night roamer

One night one a halloween night there was a lock down and someone was running a screming down the hall way.he asked for the theacher to open the door and she did and know one knows what happend after that. there were three people and they went for the ultimate shearch to find her. they looked one the camras to see want they could find.they found a person slepping in the boys bathroom.there was a knife in its head.they looked and there was a clue. it said were people love to swim. they found a clue in the sand.it said were people set sail.it was in a ship.that said were people learn thay fond her a took her to the hospitle

October 13, 2016





Forty people

Open sea

Wood 3 master ship



October 12, 2016



In Plymouth there was a leader who wanted free warship.But plymouth had a good amount of food but little water. Plymouth had a garden. They grew tabacco plants. They also had bear fur to keep them warm. And they had good houses. Most were workers and hunters for food. There were some girls but lots of boys. There were even  good colthing


September 27, 2016


The midway was a bright sunny day.They were getting green money.the stuffed animals filled with stuffing.although it was sunny it was cibive  cold.


September 23, 2016

9/11 reflections

The Tribute in Light is illuminated next to the Statue of Liberty (C) and One World Trade Center (L) during events marking the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, September 10, 2012. REUTERS/Gary Hershorn (UNITED STATES - Tags: ANNIVERSARY CITYSPACE DISASTER TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY)

The Tribute in Light

photo credit

want i learned about 9/11 was that they thought that it was a reword  in heven. when the first plain hit they thought it was a accdent.then a secent plain hit and they new that we were under acctack.firemen rushed  in and most did not come out.then the first tower came crushing down.then the secent tower came down and it was all gone.

September 23, 2016

Life in 5th Grade


fifth grade is hard but there is nice teachers.their is new and fun ways of learning.some parpers you can get done with in a good amont of time.fifth grade is more stricked than the rest. dont be scard of it.the good thing about it is that it goes by quick.





September 6, 2016

Super Digital Citizen

My super hero name is Super Digital Man. My super power is stoping time. Its for stopping time because if someone was writing something mean i can stop time and tell that person to delete the message.Screen Shot 2016-09-06 at 8.42.07 AM

August 30, 2016

My Goal

I want to pitch two games and win those games at the end of the year.

May 23, 2016

Mexican Hat

A Mexican Hat has a common name it is Mexican hat. Its family is Asteraceae. Its scientific name is Ratibida columnaris.The color is yellow with fire red flowers. Its highth is 3 to 2 feet.Its blooming time is 3 months. It prefers full sun in well draind soil.MexicanHat